FIBURING OUT HOW TO OVERCOME by Pam ClarkHave you ever been falsely accused? I have a number of times. You have one agenda going on that you mean for good, and you get accused of something else! There is a snake in the Garden!The snake is not just trying to work you, but the other person also. This is where maturity shows up, because you have to discern the Word, the Living Word. Many times the enemy will tell you that you are “the exception.” Or, he will say that the rules of His Life apply to others but not to you!Or you will be told (in the spirit by the snake) that God has a dark agenda. ”Why, you can be as wise as God!” (like he said to Eve.) Your cause may really seem to be a good and worthy one to you, but you are missing the Lord in it. It’s disappointing! God’s people come to the Light!It is a process when you give your life to the Lord. This isn’t taught much, most act like everything is instant, when sadly on some things, it is not. But here is the secret, that you can learn in the secret place of prayer with Him, He has a plan, and He will avenge wrong.The kingdoms of the world are fooled to think that they have the power and you are just stupid. Don’t be! HEAR the Word of the Lord! Read it. And learn it! The snake comes with flattery. He knows the “right things” to say. They believe they are above everyone else. They believe they have been put in charge and others are the peons or stupid. They give no regard to the Spirit of God.They will not use their knowledge for God and Good, they use it for their advantage and then claim that it is God. And then because they are outliers (or maybe all out liars) or interlopers, they justify that their wisdom is stronger and better than others. They will see themselves as “better” and work to prove it by their wit, not His Spirit. Humility breaks this curse but they have to get there.The fallen ENEMY Lucifer knew more than most because of the position he held, but was shocked when he was cast out of Heaven to the dirt of earth. Adam and Eve had dominion over him until they gave that dominion away, because they were not expecting his deceit. He came off as wisdom, but he was not.This is why we need to INTERACT with God all the time. When it came to His calling and Cause, there were times when Jesus had to resist His own family that He loved, to do the will of God. The only ones He fully rejected were those who did not agree with God’s Cause and those who opposed God’s Plan.His mother knew He was the Messiah but she didn’t know how it all worked. Like everyone else on the planet, she had to learn. There is grace and then there is the opposition of HOLY spirit (typed that way for a reason, to understand the principle)that people have to discern. This is OUR choice and It’s not always easy. But Jesus said that we are known by our fruit, and the LORD’s Seven fold Name is Authority. Hear O Israel!To be His friends, we have to learn AND honor others too, not because they are better but because they recognize Him and do His will. This is not always and easy thing to learn and being individuals, we each will learn differently on some things. When we seek Him, He is more convinced that we mean what we say to Him in our prayer life, and when we sacrifice to Him, even more.Jesus had and has disciples who learned from Him. Those are those we would call ministry or ministers. Not only that, HE categorized into five distinctions, what we call the five fold ministry today. But even those can fall and / or be false! The reason there are five (or any other number amount) is because they are each deep wells in a unity and for us it will take process to learn them. And then they have to work together, not just with each other, but also under Him.And THE REASON they have to do that, to fulfill their calling, is because HE is working to save the WORLD with HIS Spirit! The seeming “littlest” people in the Bible did great works to even be mentioned in there. Their purity and humility spoke to Him and thus to us. Don’t rank people according to popularity! OUR goal is to seek and find Him and sometimes we miss it! But even more, sometimes we FIND HIM! And then things change for the better. If natural laws can be broken (by our inventions) how much more can spiritual laws? There are good and bad on both sides in appearance, but we want the REAL that STAYS!When we lock in, in spiritual unity, things can change. We are already being shown this through the dark side of their works today. We need HIS Spirit to overcome! Let’s do it!