L’ Shana Tova - 5784or Happy New Year for IsraelL'Shana Tova! Or Happy New Year in Hebrew. This is called "The Year of Open Doors". I love that name, don't you? As I was pondering it, the Lord reminded me that the group I was hanging out with in 1976 when I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, was through a group on Friday evenings called "The Open Door." Wow, that was so powerful to me then, so much changed, and now I pray for this to be an "open door" season for you all too. God can do AMAZING THINGS!!!I'm going to share a page link below this that blessed me on this subject, and I just love to think about all the open doors God has opened to reveal the Glory of Who He Is. It's a NEW year on the Jewish Calendar, or God's Calendar, the one He set up. But I am wanting to say to "Expect New Things! " Glorious things - because you are seeking Him! Faith presses through.It starts tonight at sundown and I am sure you can find ways to celebrate, even online. In Houston, I used to live in a Jewish area and it touched my heart that these people were STILL honoring the Lord in their faith after all these centuries!They were faithful! I observed them observing their God still! He has a big Promise for them and we have a part or portion in that, as Messiah believers. We don't want to be pushy or arrogant, remember Apostle Paul taught us that God can pull out the grafted in, but He does want us to work, and live and love together. Can we do that?The season of the "goyim" or "gentiles" is closing. This will be a significant change. Things will happen that make Israel and Jerusalem in focus again, but remember GOD's purpose over man's, okay? We know that we are in the end times and if walking in faith, we have a GREAT HOPE! There WILL BE a last days glory move. Keep yourself in a way that can get you in it! Sow seeds of faith and I don't mean just money. Do things that lets God know you honor Him. So many ways to do that, and it makes a difference!We need to learn how to separate ourselves from the world to the life of believing, or faith. Each one of us started as a babe, weak, needy, in need of learning a lot. And we are still doing that! But in that, we find Him. We aren't following a stone idol statue or a person or a group or denomination. We are looking and seeking to hear His Voice, that will say to us, "Come up higher!" That is our open door! Until someone told us, we didn't know, not even how to hear!It's supernatural but in a way that welcomes people to His Love and His power. It's call a "Way" for a reason. We must balance and gain strength so we can move forward into the good promises He has for us! It's an experience that grows our soul and it keeps on growing.A day can seem dull until I remember where I came from. Win someone to the Lord if you can! The entrance of HIS Word give Light, light to see, discern and understand. We have His Book the Bible and we have prayer. Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord, Open the eyes of our hearts! L' Shana Tova! Happy New Year 5784. (close that 6,000 mark!) While watching this, it felt like I could feel the prayers of those who pray for the peace and love of Jerusalem!
Would you like to see how Jerusalem celebrated this year? Click the photo and see! (This is 2023 in US.)