Pam Clark is from the Houston, Texas suburbs, and lived in Huntsville TX during her college years, and there discovered “country life.” She loved it! But she worked different places, and traveled some and lived in New Mexico and Colorado for a time And then after a profound Spiritfilled encounter (1976), she visited ministries in Oklahoma and KansasCity, and North Carolina, and back in Texas. And then she worked to expand her Spiritual vision into the prophetic and lived in Kansas City during IHOP’s begining 24/7 launch and discovered a number of other ministries through that. In Houston she hosted “The Prophetic Alliance” meetings for the awakening prophets (and apostles) and found many seekers through that who had been called but not prepared as they wanted to be. She met many pastors who cared and had a burden for people to growin Him. She also was a guest on the local TBN and Channel 22 Christian television stations there. She was even a guest on the “Meet the Pastor” program, hosted by Donald Orand, as a woman and a prophet! Sister Mary Spencer also hosted her on her program. It was a breakthrough (along with others) for the Church!She was a guest for conferences and loved the diversity of the city. She also felt honored to serve at the TBN Houston station and wasa guest there on their local “Praise the Lord” show and also workedon the phones there and on the telethons and met great people.Her hunger also increased through many life experiences. Besidesdoing her own calling in ministry, she sat under others in prophetic ministry to learn and be equipped in her own pro;hetic calling. She met many who also had deep experiences that would change their lives, including those in Kansas City, Charlotte and Moravian Falls. But no human can replace what God puts in the heart of thoseHe has called. The blessed ones seek and find Him, and His Love and mercy hasve no end! EVERY believer has a calling and HE is firstfor her. Her desire and hope is to help others find their path and nohuman can substitute for Him. It’s challenging but very rewarding!She moved to the south Charlotte area for a year, and then moved to the Moravian Falls area where she has been for over 20 years. The area in this part of North Carolina where she currently lives is full of natural beauty in the foothills (great for pictures) of the Blue Ridge mountains and over the years she has learned a lot about people, ministries, God’s moves, and even gardening. God does speak in a garden, be it flowers or vegetables! She has also visited California a few times. But her goal has always been to learn and seek the Lord’s will and Voice, even when the cost is high. Through this winding journey, she has learned more about God and His calling on her life and for others, discovering even more understanding that it is all about Him and His anointing IN His people! That “secret place” is where He meets us all, and speaks. She has been a published writer several decades for the Lord’s work, starting in Houston, her home town. The goal is not to be known as much as it is about learning and knowing Him. That is where you find the open doors to His leading and revelations! He is an awesome God, on the Move! She was an author of a regular Christian column in Houston “Better News” newspaper when there, and has several websites, and has been published a number of times on other online publications. She has a Facebook message board but realized they started to really limit her, so she is transitioning much of that to this blog of her own. She loves seeking the Lord and then sharing what He gives to share to the serious seekers of Him. She knows she is a scribe for the Lord,and people keep encouraging her to do more, but right now, this iswhere she gets the best downloads to share.In earlier days she published the monthy newsletter “The Prophet’s Pen” and then moved a lot of her writing later to Facebook and to her website Prophetic.Net. She also published then “The Journey List” on “In Jesus” online, and then on “Trumpet Wind Ministries”, and is also published frequently on the publication . It was a joy to be one of the early internet prophetic writers.In Houston, she received a prophetic word at her church that God had called her to be a scribe and that sjje would also document a lot of the history, which she has. Doing it for the Lord can be different than just publishing the facts and events. God wants people to grow and mature! The perspective makes a difference!She was blessed to become a good friend of Paul Cain and helpedhim some with his web work and office work. She was definitely oneof his intercessors and learned a lot from him and the good and bad of those experiences. They happen and God wants us to respond with His Love. God still stands, even when things shake. We have toremember that HE is the Path of Life. He has love and grace for all His servants and she considers herlself blessed to have been able to share in his life and ask him many questions over those 20 years of friendship. When something is broken, we might want to overlook it, or push it away, but God wants to fix it. When you consider all his life, there is much he did for the Lord.He had many powerful prayers and insights, and she learned even more through the intense warfare of being a prophetic minister. andintercessor. She makes no excuses for that which is not right and has held her stand. There is no mistaking the anointing when it’s there. God is after our heart! There were many miracles and anointed words. Love conquers, even if it is a real challenge. No one has suffered like Jesus did when He took on all the sins of the whole world. He wants to bring people IN, and restore, not push people away.Many label ministires, thus limiting, but she learned that seeking JESUS is the right path for navigation and seeing and understanding.. God has had many ministers over time who rose and fell and who rose up again, even the patriarchs and Bible characters! He has great mercy and love - and plans!Who are we to judge? We are to discern God’s will from all that. He knows people’s hearts and intents, and experiences and even His Own. He came to this earth to REACH people and show them a better path. We go through many tests and trials and we take many “classes”, justlike we do in school. The earned “degree” or “award” that comes is to how well we and others change and get breakthrough from our ministry, that we MUST learn through Him and His Holy Spirit. It’s not a competition but a Prize! His people, He says, hear His Voice and also must act and respond to that. The glory is not about lifting up people, but lifting up Him. and His Love! He gets all the glory. Even failures can work to help and encourage others on Who He Is. Soldiers suffer many things going to war FOR US! Their reward will be great! A loving cup of cool water and helps will be noted!God is seeking a people who will love Him and others and be a nation unto Him. He is seeking a Body that He can call His Bride because She seeks and understands Him and His purposes. His Presence means more than any denomination! His Presence will infuse everlasting Life into all His people.His Presence can impart wisdom and understanding and even knowledge to His people. When Jesus ascended, He imparted ministry and Spirutal gifts to His people. Because He is so vast and deep and wide, it takes many to fully express His will to his Body of Christ.He wants Communion (common union) more than a governmental order, but if He needs to execute and order things, He can. It’s a fascinating walk where all matter and each individual is considteredprecious. But they each have the choice to receive and walk IN Him. That fellowship IS what makes all the difference.There was an anarchy in Heaven which fell to this earth , that He allowed, to help us understand. We can choose to overcome it through Him. His Love seeks that for us, as our relationship withHim isprecious to Him.God has grace for those who miss the mark, but not for those who seek to change it. He is God with great mercy and Love but He alone is God. When our hearts seek Him, we are blessed. We can grow and even mature. He gives us many tools to use. Many may want to quench His Spirit for their own will, but Life and Love are there in Him for us. I pray that your journey is blessed! Prayer and His Word will always be your answer.Be sure to explore the site as we progress along - together - in our journeys.